In partnership with the lenn foundation

‘Bee Mighty’
Intensive Therapy Scholarships

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“See it, then be it.”

Every parent wants to give their child the very best. After Maya had SDR, we started looking into intensive therapies. We knew from talking to other parents that intensive therapy had the potential to help Maya make incredible gains toward becoming more independent and having a better overall quality of life.

Once we started researching our options, we quickly realized we would not be able to afford intensive therapy without fundraising to offset costs. Between the therapies, travel, lodging, etc., the cost of intensive therapy adds up fast (typically between $2,000 and $10,000). We knew from talking to other families that we were not alone. The cost of intensive therapy is a huge barrier and it has kept many kids just like Maya, from receiving the therapies they desperately need and deserve.

We decided we wanted to help, but funding intensive therapies is no small task. Honestly it almost feels like it’s too big of a challenge. So why try? It’s like Maya always says, “see it, then be it”. Our dream is to help hundreds of kids like Maya reach their goals. We can ‘see it’, but we need your help to ‘be it.’ That’s why we we have created the ‘BEE MIGHTY’ Intensive Therapy Scholarship. With your support, we can help give kids a better quality of life!

We aren’t doing this alone. We have been very fortunate to find a partner in The LENN Foundation. The LENN Foundation is an established 501c3 nonprofit with a shared goal. Our goal and theirs is to give kids with CP the quality of life they deserve by providing financial relief towards unmet medical needs not covered by insurance. Through our partnership with The LENN Foundation your donations to the BEE MIGHTY Scholarship tax-deductible.

When you donate to the ‘BEE MIGHTY’ Scholarship or shop our store you will be helping a CP warrior, just like Maya, maximize their potential!

Our mission is to help kids #livemighty.

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Please fill out at scholarship application by clicking the button below. If you have any questions feel free to reach out. #seeitthenbeit

Note: clicking on this button will take you to our 501c3 Partner - The LENN Foundation



Be A Champion

Your generous donation, large or small, will help support a MIGHTY friend waiting for their opportunity to BEE MIGHTY. Help one of our CP friends live #likeaboss!